Production of films

Production of films

Exclusively for TU Clausthal, the computing centre produces professional films for teaching, research and public relations. Our team accompanies you from conception to recording and post-production and on to publication. The production of films for TU Clausthal is basically free of charge. Low costs can only arise from necessary business trips or external orders.


Whether a small video clip for the presentation slides or an elaborate documentation of your research activities: In consultation with you, we create the appropriate concept, from the initial idea to the finished script.

This usually includes a clarifying discussion about the goals and contents of the film as well as the joint creation of a storyboard, on the basis of which the individual film scenes are to be shot. Your task will be to describe the desired content and later to organize the filming locations and actors in your institution.


Our extensive production equipment meets the highest professional standards (including camcorders, light and sound technology, drone, action camera). The realisation of your material is in the hands of an experienced cameraman, who not only focuses on the important things, but also puts details in the right light.

We can shoot planned scenes in a designed environment, as well as documentary work. Depending on the motif and location, we decide which equipment is to be used.


In our video editing room, we use the material produced to create a vivid film for you and with you. The art of omission should not be underestimated here. The video recordings can be supplemented by computer graphics and animation effects.

In terms of soundtracks, the aim is to acoustically improve original sounds and commentaries, to support visual statements, and to make the viewer acoustically aware of the content through recorded comments. Our video editing room is equipped with a speaker's booth for this purpose.


To make your work accessible to other viewers, we publish it on our video server. Selected films are also offered on TU Clausthal's YouTube and Facebook channels in consultation with the press office. In addition, we can make DVD or BluRay copies with the RZ-Brenn-Robot and package them appropriately.

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