About us

The data center

The Computer Center of Clausthal University of Technology is the central service provider and competence center for all aspects of information and communication technology. Here, teachers, researchers, students and all employees of Clausthal University of Technology receive the necessary support by providing a wide range of basic services as well as the central procurement of hardware and software. A Single Point of Contact (SPOC) is available to university members as a first point of contact, which can be reached by telephone (extension -2626), in person at the helpdesk in the computer center or by e-mail at support@rz.tu-clausthal.de and can be used.

The Computer Center operates a central user directory which is used to authenticate all relevant IT services. Employees and students automatically receive a user ID when they join Clausthal University of Technology. This gives them access to the IT infrastructure and central IT services such as PC workstations, central storage, e-mail, learning management systems, WLAN, campus software and much more.

From scientific data center to professional IT service provider

Another service provided by the computer center is the operation of several PC pools in various buildings on campus with a total of around 100 workstations. The PC pools are equipped with uniform color printers and a wide range of scientific application systems. For larger printouts, the computer center has a plotter up to DIN A0 format available for use by all members of the university. In addition to the aforementioned PC rooms, the foyers of central buildings are also equipped with "living learning spaces" - these offer space for small working groups and stable WLAN coverage for laptops, tablets and smartphones that you bring with you.

The data center's range of services is rounded off by the operation of a wide variety of servers. These range from e-mail and file servers to high-performance computing clusters and backup tape libraries. The protection of existing data against loss and unauthorized access as well as the secure interaction of the IT systems are essential prerequisites for an efficient university. The data center guarantees an IT security structure in the interaction of the most diverse components, such as highly available hardware and software, fail-safe wired and wireless networks, stable power supply, permanent air conditioning of the machine room and the necessary organizational measures, such as an emergency plan for the failure of the technical infrastructure.

Digital change can be felt everywhere

In addition to the IT infrastructure, the Computer Center is responsible for the media technology equipment at Clausthal University of Technology. The lecture halls generally have one or two high-resolution projectors, a lecture PC with an interactive pen display and a document camera. For recordings and live broadcasts to other universities, Clausthal University of Technology has a small and a large multimedia lecture hall with professional audio and video technology. The computer center also supports research, teaching and public relations work by producing professional films. The TU Clausthal video server contains around 500 videos (educational films, reports on research results or conferences, promotional videos, etc.) as well as recordings of over 120 lecture series from all departments. The Computing Center works closely with the Center for University Didactics (ZHD) to advise lecturers.

Beyond the campus, the Computing Center works in state and national working groups (LAN-IT, ZKI) to coordinate larger projects with corresponding order volumes. This includes both software and hardware procurement, the cooperative use of existing high-performance computing resources or general cross-university services. Key topics such as research data management or the creation and maintenance of an information security guideline round off the activities outside of pure university IT and develop the computer center into the nucleus of digitalization at key positions within and outside TU Clausthal.